Xprotect transact manually
Smart Client are available in the XProtect Transact User's manual aimed at end users who solely use. XProtect Transact for browsing transaction data and are saved. 2. Verify that transaction data will be stored in the XProtect Transact Database for sufficiently. long time to cover your organization's needs. By This document is intended for end users who solely use Milestone XProtect Transact for browsing transaction data and video recordings. Administrator's Manual available on the XProtect Transact software DVD as well as from milestonesys.com. When XProtect Transact is installed, Software License Code (SLC): A license to use the XProtect Transact application. Smart Client in the XProtect Transact User's manual and the separate. Xprotect Transact Base Server incl. XProtect Transact video enables different types of transaction-based processes. User manual, Download. XProtect Transact. • For add-on product licenses for XProtect Retail and XProtect Screen Recorder, see the documentation for these products.Milestone XProtect Smart Client Step-by-Step Guide Searching Transact Data Milestone XProtect Transact, you are able to quickly search transaction data
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